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航空工业以及福利和与其相关的行业是在大数据分析的形式中创新的成熟。可用大数据技术的数量不断增长,而现有特征的同时则同时迅速发展并赋予授权。然而,大数据时代强加了如何在管理来自异构数据源的大规模和快速发展的数据的同时有效处理信息安全的关键挑战。虽然已经出现了多种技术,但需要在大型安全要求,隐私义务,系统性能和大型数据集的快速动态分析之间找到平衡。目前的纸张旨在介绍ICarus平台的ICARUS安全实验沙箱。 ICARUS平台旨在提供一个大型数据的平台,旨在成为航空数据和情报市场的“一站式商店”,提供了一个值得信赖和安全的“沙箱”分析工作空间,允许探索,集成和深度分析原始和衍生数据以可靠和公平的方式。在此目的,在ICARUS平台产品中设计并集成了一个安全的实验沙箱,可以提供能够完全保证数据安全性和保密性的复杂环境,允许任何涉及的律师利用平台进行分析的平台闭合实验室条件下的实验。
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We are witnessing a widespread adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare. However, most of the advancements in deep learning (DL) in this area consider only unimodal data, neglecting other modalities. Their multimodal interpretation necessary for supporting diagnosis, prognosis and treatment decisions. In this work we present a deep architecture, explainable by design, which jointly learns modality reconstructions and sample classifications using tabular and imaging data. The explanation of the decision taken is computed by applying a latent shift that, simulates a counterfactual prediction revealing the features of each modality that contribute the most to the decision and a quantitative score indicating the modality importance. We validate our approach in the context of COVID-19 pandemic using the AIforCOVID dataset, which contains multimodal data for the early identification of patients at risk of severe outcome. The results show that the proposed method provides meaningful explanations without degrading the classification performance.
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Background: Image analysis applications in digital pathology include various methods for segmenting regions of interest. Their identification is one of the most complex steps, and therefore of great interest for the study of robust methods that do not necessarily rely on a machine learning (ML) approach. Method: A fully automatic and optimized segmentation process for different datasets is a prerequisite for classifying and diagnosing Indirect ImmunoFluorescence (IIF) raw data. This study describes a deterministic computational neuroscience approach for identifying cells and nuclei. It is far from the conventional neural network approach, but it is equivalent to their quantitative and qualitative performance, and it is also solid to adversative noise. The method is robust, based on formally correct functions, and does not suffer from tuning on specific data sets. Results: This work demonstrates the robustness of the method against the variability of parameters, such as image size, mode, and signal-to-noise ratio. We validated the method on two datasets (Neuroblastoma and NucleusSegData) using images annotated by independent medical doctors. Conclusions: The definition of deterministic and formally correct methods, from a functional to a structural point of view, guarantees the achievement of optimized and functionally correct results. The excellent performance of our deterministic method (NeuronalAlg) to segment cells and nuclei from fluorescence images was measured with quantitative indicators and compared with those achieved by three published ML approaches.
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Recent works have investigated the role of graph bottlenecks in preventing long-range information propagation in message-passing graph neural networks, causing the so-called `over-squashing' phenomenon. As a remedy, graph rewiring mechanisms have been proposed as preprocessing steps. Graph Echo State Networks (GESNs) are a reservoir computing model for graphs, where node embeddings are recursively computed by an untrained message-passing function. In this paper, we show that GESNs can achieve a significantly better accuracy on six heterophilic node classification tasks without altering the graph connectivity, thus suggesting a different route for addressing the over-squashing problem.
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AI-based code generators are an emerging solution for automatically writing programs starting from descriptions in natural language, by using deep neural networks (Neural Machine Translation, NMT). In particular, code generators have been used for ethical hacking and offensive security testing by generating proof-of-concept attacks. Unfortunately, the evaluation of code generators still faces several issues. The current practice uses automatic metrics, which compute the textual similarity of generated code with ground-truth references. However, it is not clear what metric to use, and which metric is most suitable for specific contexts. This practical experience report analyzes a large set of output similarity metrics on offensive code generators. We apply the metrics on two state-of-the-art NMT models using two datasets containing offensive assembly and Python code with their descriptions in the English language. We compare the estimates from the automatic metrics with human evaluation and provide practical insights into their strengths and limitations.
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The fifth generation of the Radio Access Network (RAN) has brought new services, technologies, and paradigms with the corresponding societal benefits. However, the energy consumption of 5G networks is today a concern. In recent years, the design of new methods for decreasing the RAN power consumption has attracted interest from both the research community and standardization bodies, and many energy savings solutions have been proposed. However, there is still a need to understand the power consumption behavior of state-ofthe-art base station architectures, such as multi-carrier active antenna units (AAUs), as well as the impact of different network parameters. In this paper, we present a power consumption model for 5G AAUs based on artificial neural networks. We demonstrate that this model achieves good estimation performance, and it is able to capture the benefits of energy saving when dealing with the complexity of multi-carrier base stations architectures. Importantly, multiple experiments are carried out to show the advantage of designing a general model able to capture the power consumption behaviors of different types of AAUs. Finally, we provide an analysis of the model scalability and the training data requirements.
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We advance a novel computational model of multi-agent, cooperative joint actions that is grounded in the cognitive framework of active inference. The model assumes that to solve a joint task, such as pressing together a red or blue button, two (or more) agents engage in a process of interactive inference. Each agent maintains probabilistic beliefs about the goal of the joint task (e.g., should we press the red or blue button?) and updates them by observing the other agent's movements, while in turn selecting movements that make his own intentions legible and easy to infer by the other agent (i.e., sensorimotor communication). Over time, the interactive inference aligns both the beliefs and the behavioral strategies of the agents, hence ensuring the success of the joint action. We exemplify the functioning of the model in two simulations. The first simulation illustrates a ''leaderless'' joint action. It shows that when two agents lack a strong preference about their joint task goal, they jointly infer it by observing each other's movements. In turn, this helps the interactive alignment of their beliefs and behavioral strategies. The second simulation illustrates a "leader-follower" joint action. It shows that when one agent ("leader") knows the true joint goal, it uses sensorimotor communication to help the other agent ("follower") infer it, even if doing this requires selecting a more costly individual plan. These simulations illustrate that interactive inference supports successful multi-agent joint actions and reproduces key cognitive and behavioral dynamics of "leaderless" and "leader-follower" joint actions observed in human-human experiments. In sum, interactive inference provides a cognitively inspired, formal framework to realize cooperative joint actions and consensus in multi-agent systems.
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移动网络第五代(5G)的能源消耗是电信行业的主要关注点之一。但是,目前没有一种评估5G基站(BSS)功耗的准确且可进行的方法。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的模型,以实现5G多载波BSS功耗的现实表征,该模型以大型数据收集活动为基础。首先,我们定义了允许对多个5G BS产品进行建模的机器学习体系结构。然后,我们利用该框架收集的知识来得出一个现实且可分析的功耗模型,这可以帮助推动理论分析以及功能标准化,开发和优化框架。值得注意的是,我们证明了这种模型具有很高的精度,并且能够捕获节能机制的好处。我们认为,该分析模型是理解5G BSS功耗的基本工具,并准确地优化了网络能源效率。
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该技术报告描述了在Robocup SPL(Mario)中计算视觉统计的模块化且可扩展的体系结构,该结构在Robocup 2022的SPL Open Research Challenge期间提出,该挑战在曼谷(泰国)举行。马里奥(Mario)是一个开源的,可用的软件应用程序,其最终目标是为Robocup SPL社区的发展做出贡献。Mario带有一个GUI,该GUI集成了多个机器学习和基于计算机视觉的功能,包括自动摄像机校准,背景减法,同型计算,玩家 +球跟踪和本地化,NAO机器人姿势估计和跌落检测。马里奥(Mario)被排名第一。1在开放研究挑战中。
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